Welcome to my journey of sharing the love of Jesus, in and among the Muslim community. 

My name is Chris Cecil and God has called me to be a missionary to Muslims here in Tennessee and wherever God leads.

Five years ago God changed my heart on a mountain top in Peru. He changed a heart of stone to a new heart, filled with His desire for reaching the lost. His first calling on me was a calling unto Himself 

I came home not knowing how God wanted to use me. I prayed only in obedience that I would make myself available for whatever He placed before me.

Soon after, God answered by placing before me a devout Muslim man named Sadiq.

Over the last four years I have worked beside and have walked through life with him and his family. We have not only become friends but I have been accepted into his personal life and the lives of his friends. 

 Sadiq is very well known and influential in the Muslim community. Our time together has opened a unique door into the inner circles of the Muslim community.  

This is the long game. It is easy to share the Gospel of Jesus and be rejected. With Muslims, it takes time to develop a relationship. One where I am trusted enough to be listened to and respected enough to be heard.

Everywhere I turn God continues to open new doors. Because of the relationships I have built here in Nashville,  I have been introduced to family and friends as far away as Iraq. Through one of these connections a Muslim man in Baghdad Iraq asked the church here to pray for his mother who had a crippling disease and had been bedridden for over two years. God in His faithfulness completely healed her and the name of Jesus was proclaimed to all those around them. 

I developed a Facebook page as a way to communicate and connect with the Muslim connections made in Iraq. Through this page I am able to share the gospel (in Arabic) to my new friends. God has blessed it and in just a few short months the gospel of Jesus has reached over a hundred thousand and more than 6500 Iraqis currently follow my page. 

On Saturdays I go to the Arabic markets in an area of Nashville called "little Kurdistan" . I hand out Arabic Bibles and tracts outside the mosque and the markets seeking conversations with any who are willing.

If you are here, God has brought you to support this very specific ministry. Please consider becoming a partner/ donor with me in this journey. My role may be on the front lines but I can't do it without your support. I am constantly encouraged as I see God continue to open doors and provide for me in this mission that started out as a simple act of friendship and has grown into an international outreach.

I am willing to risk everything for what God has given me. Will you join me in this mission to save Muslims from the darkness of Islam?

Please call me if you have questions. 615-713-7649 or email me at [email protected] 

I would love to tell you more of my story.


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