#GivingTuesday is today!

Help us raise $20,000 today! 

We have a goal of raising $20,000 on GivingTuesday in order to produce 4 new songs in the Epic Love Story music bible!

Every gift you give will be doubled up to $10,000 today thanks to an anonymous matching donor! 

Epic Love Story is setting the Bible to song, utilizing contributors worldwide, to bring hope and healing to the nations. In phase 1, we’ll release 66 songs, each featuring a passage from every book of the Bible to tell its overall epic love story. These culturally-diverse and memorable songs will captivate listeners, anchoring the Scriptures firmly in their memory.

Come along with us!

Listen to our current songs

Redeemed {Galatians 3:13-14}

Priests {Exodus 19:4-6}

Sovereign Lord {Habakkuk 3:17-19}

Plans {Proverbs 19:21}

Give today


Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

GivingFuel Fundraising Software