Imago Dei Ministries

In 2004, Imago Dei Ministries was
founded to come alongside those who are ready to face their inner
darkness and uncover their true identity — the image of God within them.
Founded by Katie and Jim Skurja, and based in North Plains, Oregon, it
is a ministry dedicated to helping people everywhere engage in a
Christ-centered healing process. Through teaching, writing, and
practical experiential exercises it will help to transform your
relationships with God, self, and others.
Our ministry team has grown and
changed over time as God has invited various people to participate in
the mission of Imago Dei. Current team members joined Imago Dei in 2008
or earlier, and bring experiences from fields as varied as counseling,
social work, retail, home renovation, art, church ministry, dance, real
estate, teaching, and spiritual direction. We are richer for our variety
of gifts and skills, and for our commitment to intentionally practicing
the material we teach. Many hours are invested in research, questions,
and “think tank” sessions, but most important is our ongoing endeavor to
live it out as a community. Through practical application, our
community continues to grow and transform, and we get really excited
about empowering others to do the same.
“Katie Skurja runs a private practice in North Plains, Oregon. She has a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy
from George Fox University as well as a Certificate of Spiritual
Formation from George Fox Evangelical Seminary. Her undergraduate work
was in elementary and special education from Northern Arizona
University. She taught elementary school for nine years, most recently
on Sauvie Island just outside of Portland, Oregon. Katie has been
married to Jim for 32 years and has two grown sons. The questions and
obstacles Katie faced early in her personal faith journey left her
passionate to help people find real hope and freedom that truly
transform their day-to-day lives. She has dedicated her teaching and
ministry career to this pursuit. In addition to being the founder of
Imago Dei Ministries, Katie is an instructor in the Spiritual
Formation department at George Fox Evangelical Seminary and
an ordained pastor at Rock Creek Church.