Rob Frazier
Pastor/Teacher/Worship Leader/Mentor
I have been privileged for the last 6 years to provide creative input, mentoring and pastoral oversight to hundreds of creative and artistic ministry specialists under the umbrella of A.C.T. Intl. These have included musicians, rappers, actors, visual artists and more; as well as those doing innovative and humanitarian ministry that may not fit into a standard mission board paradigm. I understand creative people who want to serve God with their gifts because that has been the calling of my life!
However, that season has come to an end. I am now returning to independent ministry.
While propositional truth is important, music and the arts can touch the heart in ways that words cannot; pointing the way to an encounter with the Lord of all. As the great Reformer Martin Luther stated, "Next to theology, I give to music the highest place and the greatest honor."
I still serve as part-time Worship Pastor at First Baptist Church in Pleasant View, TN which has allowed me to keep up with current worship music repertoire. Therefore, leading worship in song has become a central part of my ministry "on the side." Now, it takes a central role along with preaching, teaching and evangelism as I am returning to the frontline ministry I was doing before (and indeed training others to do at A.C.T.) I also am returning to prison ministry and ministry to the homeless. As we have done since 2019, Carol and I also still hope to continue serving other missions agencies by leading their missionaries in worship at their staff development conferences around the world.
In short, I am kind of a "pastor-at-large," using the varied gifts God has given me to preach, teach, lead worship and mentor the next generation of artistic ministry specialists - the focus of my work with A.C.T. Intl. Just because I am not getting a paycheck does not mean that I am no longer called to do that; mentoring others has become a deeply satisfying part of my life and I'm not ready to quit!
But I can't do it alone - I need your help.
Will you partner with me as I raise funds to pastor, teach, lead worship, encourage and coach God’s people around the world? I believe this is my specific assignment from the Lord - to be a leader in gospel proclamation using artistic and innovative strategies!
Please prayerfully consider and make your selection below. While special gifts are welcome, I am especially grateful for monthly support. THANK YOU!