Once fully funded, we want to give grants and expand our safety net of radical hospitality in the city to offer free studio space and residencies for artists, potentially with a large art home. We have raised almost enough to give us a living wage and invest in these specific arenas: hospitality, artist support groups, and culture commissioning.

We want to create lasting works of beautiful, true culture so every sector of society might live up to its most beautiful, most true, most just potential. We want to empower people to make what they feel most called to make. Towards that end, please give what you feel most convicted to give.

Please help us fund hospitality projects, artist support groups, and start commissioning culture:


Make check payable to:   Schaubert/A.C.T. Intl

Mail check to:      A.C.T. Intl, PO Box 1649, Brentwood, TN 37024

You do not need to complete and submit the information below if you choose to mail a check.

Almost done, where should we send the confirmation?

GivingFuel Fundraising Software