Serving Ukraine by serving Ukrainians.

Because of your investment, this ministry (begun in February 2022), along with our Ukrainian partners:

  • provided interim salaries for 45 seminary staff families as the war began
  • provided transportation, housing, and medical and spiritual care for those needing to evacuate the country
  • supports a refugee center in western Ukraine that provides shelter, meals, care, and work for 180
    people with microwaves, beds, and funds for food and staff.
  • bought a bus that evacuated students and families who needed to leave Kyiv and continues to bring humanitarian aid to areas under siege
  • has already replaced over 100 windows in the homes of 22+ families in Irpin, where 70% of the buildings are damaged from the atrocities and destruction in the first month of the war
  • provided blankets for seniors internally displaced from their homes in winter, 
  • is helping resource those who are taking supplies and bringing aid to those at the center of the conflict
  • is providing assistance to those displaced due to the invasion, and
  • is helping continue the education of leaders and students caught in the frontlines of the war and more.

Who are we and what do we do?

Fred J. Heumann has been in ministry leadership since 1977 and has pioneered ministries in the US, UK, Latin America, and Ukraine.  He has served local churches in 3 states, sung and spoken in thousands of high schools with Wings of Light, visited 50 nations, been an overseas missionary, and worked in music production, publishing, and technology.  He was also part of the World Leadership Team of Youth for Christ International. Fred is an ordained minister with the Missionary Church with a Master's degree and an Advanced Graduate Certificate in Worship Studies. He and Judie have been married since 1982 and have an adult son, Joel.

Fred founded MusicWorks International in 1993 to support the training and development of church leaders to utilize music well in their worship and in reaching out to others with Good News.  As a ministry focused on musicians and creatives, our work since 2012 has been with the Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary in Kyiv, and the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in L'viv, teaching students and mentoring church leaders. Together, we have seen hundreds of leaders and their teams come to our seven Music in Worship conferences from across Ukraine.

ServeUkraine is a new fund created to capitalize on our work in Ukraine over these last ten years. Fred has partnered with seminaries, churches, students, and other ministries. Those relational links allow us to uniquely address the current crisis to meet physical, mental, spiritual, and practical needs. We will create innovative solutions to get people the help they need and connect to existing organizations and people on the ground to serve those displaced by this war.

MusicWorks International and ServeUkraine are part of the ACT International family of ministries.

Artists in Christian Testimony International supports and serves a family of 400+ unique ministries by handling financial and other details to free up those ministries to do the work. Incorporated in 1973 with charitable work in 50 countries, contributions made through ACT Intl are tax-deductible.

These partnership connections allow our ministry to focus on the task with fewer staff and greater flexibility.

You can use Fred's article and playlist on Christianity to continue to pray for Ukraine.

To stay informed and pray for our on-going efforts to serve Ukraine, write to us at [email protected].

We continue to grow and expand our involvement.


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