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We deeply appreciate your generosity and unwavering support! 

Your help is instrumental in our mission to educate and raise awareness about the impact of legal abortion on women, men, and society as a whole. In addition, we shed light on the reality of life before birth. As Christians, we serve as advocates for those who cannot speak for themselves, firmly grounded in the Word of God. By creating and disseminating educational resources such as fact sheets, books, videos, documentaries and films, we have the potential to reach millions and further the Kingdom of God. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

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Together for Life Resources

  • The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed

    The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed

    A passionate true story about a young teen who faces many hardships. At 16, she is pressured into having an "operation" which ends her pregnancy. Like many others, she turns to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain... After an encounter with God, she is compelled to go public, exposing the lies many pregnant women are told, and begins a campaign as a Pro-Life Activist, landing her in jail and getting sued by a notorious abortionist. Then God opens doors sending her into the United Nations and around the world on a mission to warn women of the dangers, and save precious lives for such a time as this. Her first book, Forgiven and this one are National Best Sellers in Canada.

    $25.00 ea.

  • HUSH Documentary

    HUSH Documentary

    This award-winning documentary explores the many studies and evidence proving legal abortion is harmful to women's mental and reproductive health. It is the brain child of Denise Mountenay and she is also the co-executive producer of this film.

    $30.00 ea.

  • Special:  Purchase a Book & Dvd

    Special: Purchase a Book & Dvd

    Only $50.00 for both, includes Postage to Canadian Residents, currently Denise is working on a new revised edition of her book as well as on a movie about her testimony. Rev. 12:11 Limited copies available.

    $50.00 ea.


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